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0-17 months

Our Infant/Toddler program is designed to give your infant the freedom to safely venture out and learn the environment he/she is in. We encourage brain development through sensory play and socialization with others. Exposure to music and art are key elements of your child's emotional and intellectual growth. 


For our toddlers, we follow a creative curriculum which provides developmental skills that include cognitive and social activities. In addition, we teach our toddlers how to properly care for themselves by learning skills such as eating independently and cleaning up after themselves. 


3-5 years

We are focused on providing early childhood education centered around numerous topics throughout the school year. On a monthly basis, we introduce new subjects to our curriculum so that our "little footprints" can expand their knowledge. This includes advanced special projects involving letters, shapes, and numbers.


In addition, every child learns about all major holidays in the given month. We believe that learning through play is an important aspect in every child's development. The impact of socialization with classmates and teachers can promote problem solving and language skills. 


Our goal is to have your child prepared to take their next step into Kindergarten.

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